πŸ” How to Find Your Tribe or Player ID

How to Find Your Tribe or Player ID in ARK: Survival Evolved

Many of ARK's admin or "cheat" commands in ARK: Survival Evolved require a PlayerID or TribeID number to function effectively. You'll quickly realize that the number they are asking for is not the Steam64ID or any other Steam ID number if you are familiar with it. Those numbers are the UE 4 ID numbers, assigned by the game engine itself to every player or clan. This guide will show you how to find those numbers for a clan or player on your HidenCloud server.

Finding the ID numbers will require the use of administrator commands, so you should have set an Administrator password on your HidenCloud server, and then enable cheats for your identity. The following section tells you how to do both if you already have no idea how.

The admin password for your server can be set in the "Game Settings" section of the "Advanced" tab of the "HidenCloud" control panel. Make sure to hit the save button at the bottom of the page after entering a password, and then restart the server. It won't properly set the administrator password unless the server is restarted afterward. The admin password can also be set in the config file called "GameUserSettings.ini."

ARK Console Bar: Interface with your ARK server. When you load into the game, hit the tab key to open the console window in-game, appearing as a dark bar at the very bottom edge of the screen. If you hit tab a second time, the entire top half of the screen will be the console window, with a dark bar near the center for entering commands, showing the previous commands you've entered on the top half of the screen.

The extended window is very useful for catching mistakes entering an admin command earlier, which may have caused it not to work. For example, I repeatedly type "cheats" instead of "cheat" while entering commands. "cheat" works. "cheats" with the 's' at the end is wrong, and the entire command is ignored. Hitting tab again closes the console, or hitting escape.

Enable Cheats for Your Character: When you have the console open, enter the following command to activate "cheats" in-game.

enablecheats (administrator password)

If entered correctly, you are now an administrator and can use the "cheat" commands! You typically receive no confirmation message when the administrator is turned on. You can check if it worked by hitting tab again and typing "cheat fly" in the console bar to verify that you are an administrator. You should see the message "You feel much lighter," and if you hit the jump key, you will soar into the air! Type "cheat walk" to turn off fly mode if needed later.

Floating in midair is a great way not to get hindered in-game while entering admin/cheat commands.

Use the SetCheatPlayer Command: Hit tab again, and type this command (NOTE: for this command, you don't need to type "cheat" or "admincheat" before it as you do for most cheat commands):

setcheatplayer 1 or setcheatplayer true

To turn off the HUD, use the same command "setcheatplayer" but with nothing or false after it.

Finding a TribeID Identifier: With the "setcheatplayer" HUD turned on, just look at any tribe-related structure to see a "Tribe" number in the middle of the screen near the bottom. The "Tribe" number is the UE4 ID number in ARK for that clan.

Finding PlayerID Numbers: When you have the TribeID, use the following command, replacing (TribeID) with your TribeID as previously obtained.

cheat GetTribeIdPlayerList (TribeID)

NOTE: The letters after "tribe" in that command above are "ID" as in "identification." You can also type that whole command in lowercase, by the way; the capitalized letters are not needed. This will display on the screen the name of the clan and all the players in that clan, along with their information, including their PlayerID numbers. Now you can see the player list for that clan, which includes the PlayerID of the "beach bob" in his clothing standing before my character.

Now that you have a TribeID and a PlayerID, you can correctly use many of the ARK admin/cheat commands.

List of ARK Console Commands: The entire list of ARK: Survival Evolved console commands can be found on their wiki at https://ark.gamepedia.com/Console_Commands.

Last updated