πŸ›œInstalling Bungeecord

This guide will help you to install bungeecord in your server


What is BungeeCord?

BungeeCord is a server type for Minecraft that allows you to connect several servers together, so players can transfer between them without having to disconnect from the server.

BungeeCord is not a plugin

Users that are new to BungeeCord commonly assume that BungeeCord is a plugin for Spigot or Craftbukkit. This is not the case. Instead, BungeeCord is a server type, in the same way Spigot and Craftbukkit are.

BungeeCord cannot run Spigot or Craftbukkit plugins

Although it is developed and maintained by the Spigot team, BungeeCord is not Minecraft software and does not share any of the Spigot or Craftbukkit code. This means Spigot plugins are not compatible with BungeeCord. BungeeCord does support plugins, however only plugins that have been specifically developed for BungeeCord are compatible with BungeeCord.

BungeeCord cannot run worlds, players, etc

Since BungeeCord is not Minecraft software and does not run any of the Minecraft code, worlds and players cannot actually exist on a BungeeCord instance. BungeeCord is not a Minecraft serverβ€Šβ€”β€Šrather, it is a proxy that simply bridges the connection between the player and server. It pretends to be a Minecraft server, but it isn’t. It’s only purpose is to forward you to one of the Minecraft servers under the networkβ€Šβ€”β€Šif no servers are connected to the BungeeCord instance, the player will simply be disconnected upon joining as there is no Minecraft server under the network for them to actually play on.

BungeeCord requires a minimum of 3 servers

Your BungeeCord network will need a server for each of the servers you wish to run, plus an additional server to run BungeeCord.

The minimum requirements for a BungeeCord setup is as follows:

  • Two Minecraft servers that you wish to connect together (typically running Spigot).

  • An additional Minecraft server to run the BungeeCord Software.

BungeeCord cannot be used as a Hub or Lobby serverβ€Šβ€”β€Šyou would need an additional server, running Minecraft software (Spigot) to do this.

Last updated

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