
Here you will find the steps to create a subdomain to use on your server or service

To create a subdomain go to: https://dash.hidencloud.com/store/subdomain

  1. Subdomain: Here you can choose what you want, what you like the most. You can invent this

  2. Domain: You can choose the ones available in the selection. You can choose this

  3. Target domain: IP of your server or Service. You can NOT invent this

  4. Port: The port of your server or service. You can NOT invent this

  5. Service Type: The type of game or service you use. You can choose this (It has to match your service, otherwise it won't work)

For the Target Domain and Port: Go to your server details in the section where it says IP. In this case, the Destination Domain would be: nova.hidencloud.com and the Port: 25533 (This is different for each server)

When you are don, you will be able to access your server through:

  1. Server normal IP: <something>.hidencloud.com:<port>

  2. New IP: <your_subdomain>.<domain>

  3. New IP and Port: <your_subdomain>.<domain>:<port>

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