Extra/Additional services

We offer you the opportunity to enhance your experience with additional services. Follow these simple steps to purchase additional services:

Step 1: Log In

Go to our user portal at https://dash.hidencloud.com/dashboard and log in with your HidenCloud account. If you don't have an account yet, sign up before proceeding.

Step 2: Navigate to the Tickets Page

Once logged in, look for the "Tickets" tab in the main menu and click on it.

Step 3: Create a New Ticket

Within the Tickets page, find and select the option to "Create Ticket" or "Create New Ticket."

Step 4: Select Extra/Additional Services Category

When in the ticket creation section, choose the category "Extra / Additional Services" to specify that you are interested in additional services.

Step 5: Fill in Ticket Information

Now, complete the requested information in the ticket form:

  • Subject: Specify the additional service you want to acquire.

  • Order: Specify the server on which you want to add this additional service.

  • Comment: Provide a detailed description of what you need and how much you need. Include any relevant additional information.

Step 6: Submit the Ticket

Once you have filled in all the fields, click on the "Submit" button to create the ticket.

Step 7: Payment and Invoice Entry

After submitting the ticket, you will receive a message in your inbox with the corresponding invoice for the requested additional service. Open the invoice and make the payment following the provided instructions.

Step 8: Monthly Update

The cost of the additional service will be added to the value you already pay monthly for our main services.

And that's it! Now you are ready to enjoy your additional services on HidenCloud. If you have any questions or issues, feel free to create another ticket in the corresponding category. Thank you for choosing HidenCloud!

Last updated


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